Gazze’de İsrail-ABD Soykırımı: 345. gün 41.206 bildirilen kurban ve 95.337 yaralı

Gazze –Amerika Birleşik Devletleri ve Avrupa tarafından desteklenen ve silahlandırılan İsrail işgal güçleri, Gazze Şeridi’ndeki soykırımcı sömürge savaşını art arda 345. günde, suç üstüne suç ekleyerek, [Read More…]

Erdoğan wants to scare the Turkish and Kurdish peoples with the convictions in the Kobane case!

The Turkish capital was experiencing politically active days. The ruling coalition, which was defeated in the local elections, signalled with a smiling face towards the [Read More…]